Certified Personal Trainer
Specialist Fitness Nutrition
Specialist in Exercise Therapy
Get Fit. Have Fun.
Train Like a Champion

Meet the Trainer
I am and always have been passionate about health and fitness. My training method is built around the unique abilities and goals of each one of my clients, with the aim of not only transforming bodies, but also enriching lifestyles.
Hi, My name is Kelly Michelsen. I'm assuming most of you reaching my page know that part already. What you may not know, is I was once like you. That's how I know you and I can connect because it's how I can level with every single one of my clients. I began my fitness journey not knowing where to start or who the heck to turn to. So I sought out a personal trainer that made fitness – fun. Yeah…. I said it…. fun. She pushed me and saw the small little spark inside me, and helped me ignite it. Because of this, I found a passion to do the same for others. It doesn’t matter what end of the spectrum you start at- It’s all one big linear path towards the same thing. I'm determined to ignite the spark that brought you here to my page.

My Services
I know that modern life can be jam-packed, making it hard to prioritize fitness. I offer specialized exercise programs that will accommodate your busy schedule, while allowing you to meet all of your fitness goals. Your health and fitness is my top priority. Check out the different ways in which I can help you get in shape.
Look Good, Feel Good
Cardio Fitness

Healthier You
Flexibility Training

Sweat to Success
Muscle Building

You're not alone - everyone wants to know the same thing....
"I only want to tone"
Great! Let’s get you there! I know you see the “big body building women” and you don’t want to get that huge. I chuckle a little every time I hear this. Lifting weights will not get you “huge” unless your diet calls for it. The mouse cannot lift what the elephant can. Your body structure has to be developed enough to even “lift heavy” and in order to do so you need to feed it a “bulk” amount of energy. Obtaining and maintaining a toned physique is not hard. Just don’t go for loads of carbs before or after you eat---- and by loads I mean like 3 bagels with cream cheese and a churro. You obviously don’t want to over eat, or eat crap food… but you shouldn’t fear food as a whole. Eating meticulously towards your goals will help you obtain the goals you desire. Creating a great muscle tone is higher protein, low to medium carbs and low fat diets.
"I don't HAVE TIME"
Admittedly right now working as a fitness trainer on my own hours and on my own terms, sure- it should be easy for me to have time to work out and meal prep and do whatever it takes to get closer to my goals cuz I have all this time, right? NOT. My days are filled with training clients, questions, learning new routines, networking, and on top of it all my house needs to be cleaned, laundry, kids, homework, sports- trust me, we are all in the same boat with a load of everything on our shoulders. P R I O R I T I Z E. That’s what gets me through my days. I literally have a day planner with an hour by hour to do list on it (when I need it and know my days are going to be hectic). One thing I have learned the art of is helping my clients manage their days and find easier routes to getting an effective workout in and how to make their meal preps easier. I know alllll the tricks. I’ve done it all and seen it all.
Okay, so this will be more of Kelly’s opinion because I’m going to lay this card on the table before you even click the “contact me” button down below. This is my biggest rant of all times when it comes up so here it is:
I do NOT believe in “diets” as these usually are no carb, or count your calories because eating a cheeseburger is okay as long as it fits your points bullsh*t. I will use the term diet now and again when you speak with me because when there is a change or restriction from your current eating habits, it is in fact – a diet. I personally prefer the term “nutrition plan” however because I put you on a custom plan to fit your nutritional needs. Fad diets that restrict your caloric intake and put your body into a deficit below body maintenance levels – don’t work for you, they actually work against you. You will lose weight on the scale, mainly water weight and muscle weight because you have now caused your body to start eating at your muscle for fuel and lowered the amount of mass for your body to hold the water that it needs to, to be able to function. Good job. Now what? You decide to indulge in a cheeseburger, how is your body going to react to that? It’s gonna say hallelujah and take it all in and store it as fat because you’ve starved it for so long. You keep this up and you will get….. (drum roll please)…. Absolutely nowhere. Feed your body. Feed it the nutrients it needs to survive and let the food work FOR YOU, not against you. K so that’s basically it. Eat for health and fuel for your body and your body will thank you in return with killer results you’ve been looking for. Ok, so shakes- yes I’ll get to that too. Shakes are replacement meals. Key word “replacement”. What do you consider good, better, best if it were all lined up: The original real deal or Replacement? Right, I think you got the picture. Ok- so I’m not against shakes because I get it we are so on the go ow. I recommend to my clients not to drink more than 2 of their 5-6 meals per day. Depending on results, I have been known to cut those out too.